Salt Lake City Matchmakers specializes in helping local singles meet and date quality individuals that match their values, interests and life goals. We are part of the largest personal matchmaking network in Utah with local offices located in Salt Lake City.
At Salt Lake City Matchmakers, we meet with every client face-to-face in our local office. We take the time to get to know you, to understand your relationship goals and to find out what is most important to you in the people you want to date. Utilizing your matchmaking and personality profile our experienced Personal Matchmaking Team will hand screen introductions that match your predetermined values, interests, and life goals. This ensures you meet real, local singles that are compatible for dating. As we like to say here at Salt Lake City Matchmakers, "Isn't it time to live, laugh and love again?"
We Do All The Work, You Have All The Fun!
People turn to us because they're tired of game playing and are serious about finding a relationship. Our matchmaking system cuts out the game playing of online dating and gimmicks of speed and lunch dating services. Get out of the dating game and let a Personal Matchmaker go to work for you.
What are you waiting for? Salt Lake City Matchmakers is the best way to meet quality local singles. STOP wasting time with online dating sites such as match.com, eharmony.com, ZOOSK.com, itsjustlunch.com, christianmingle.com, ourtime.com, and others. They aren't designed to help you meet real singles.
“Hi Brie,
Thank you for introducing me to Jose. We have a great deal in common - we are both the oldest of seven children, we both have interest in many of the same things, neither of us are extravagant and both of us have a lot of just down home common sense that we live by. It's been very interesting to visit with him. We have not run out of conversation!
I would like to place my account on hold as of today to explore further this relationship that is developing with Jose.
I have really enjoyed working with you. You are very personable, you listen to me and I feel you are reviewing my file as we visit on the phone so you have a better idea of the type of man that I am looking for. I'm long overdue to find someone to really spend a lot of time with, hopefully the rest of my life. Thank you for all the hard work you do. I truly appreciate you and I would highly recommend you and matchmakers to anyone especially people my age that are truly looking for compatibility and long-term relationships
“Hi Patrice,
Elizabeth is comfortable being herself with me as I am with her. I don't feel the need to be someone FOR her. Rather, she accepts me as I am and we get along fabulously.
I would like to thank you all for doing a great job focusing on the attributes that would be best paired with me, she is amazing. I would absolutely like to put the service on hold as I get to know Beth. I grow to like her more and more.
Thanks again for what you do, you have reignited that hope in me.
Best regards
Sterling, the wonderful man you found for me, the man who I've fallen in love with, will be here in 10 min to take me to dinner.
You're quite insightful, and have the ability to see what creates chemistry between two people, when I've not been quite so successful choosing someone so compatible and genuinely Good, Strong, Honorable and Passionate on my own or online.
Please temporarily freeze my membership. I'd like to date Sterling (only the SECOND man you introduced me to!) exclusively for now.
“Hi Marie!
Yes, please place my account on hold.
Regarding my experience with matchmaking, you have made all the difference. Simply put, YOU ARE AWESOME!!! Your charm is infectious and I totally enjoyed getting to know you. You are too cool!
Thank you for matching me with Celina... I was captivated by both her beauty and intellect! She intrigues me and I'm looking forward to getting to know her.
Thanks again!
Take care,